So i had not seen this movie in a while and the book and its adapted movie were out. I think this is the time and begin to watch "The KiteRunner". German director Marc Forster who has movies like Quantum of Solace under his belt opens the movie with beautiful scenic view of 2 kites fighting to win over each other in Afghanistan. The life of young Amir and Hassan portrayed brings to light to me that the story between rich and rag does not work even in visual cinema. After Amir does not want to be shown as a coward, he frames Hassan to be thief and Hassan along with his Father Ali leave Baba's (Amirs father) house. Jealousy brews in the young heart of Amir against Hassan who suceeds in his mission to keep apart from Hassan. Shooting in the intense Taliban controlled region would have been a daunting task for the director and his crew, but they do pull their strings well and manage a well deserved film.
I have not read the novel yet as i dont think there would be a need now. Am not sure why the director would want to show the stronger Hassan getting anally raped and then bleeding all his way to home. I personally hated that scene while the coward Amir just keeps watching by. There is certainly a transformation in the character of Amir played by Khalid Abdalla who after 15 years decides to come back to Pakistan and rescue Hassan's son. However, i feel the director could have got much better work done from his Actor. Khalid Abdalla is not very convincing in the film but may have landed a job due to his Middle eastern looks (just assuming). Rahim Khan played by Shaun Toub does justice to his role by meddling the relationship between Amir and his father Baba. Last time i saw Shaun in a movie was in "Crash" where he acted well too. Soraya, the wife of Amir has not much to offer in this movie besides being a moral support. Baba was convincing too as the head of the family. Overall the film is strong not because of the characters each one plays but for the plot. The direction is far from mediocre and swifts a journey from Afghnistan to California back to Pakistan. The director captures Afghnistan with the help of his DC and its culture tighly to remain visible in my mind. I can recommend this film on its plot, dialogues in afghani accent, a flavour of simplicity, comradeship, relationship, friendship, innocent and interwined lives. I still believe the novel of Khalid Hossieni would spell more beans. My rating for this movie is 7/10. Go watch it for brave Hassan!!!
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