After a long time, i finally take a break from posting my views on films and poems here on my blog. As the title says, its summer time in NY now. The worst winter of my life is 95% over. Well for all NYorkers its over but i am still sensitive to cold so i will still need to rap up the remaining 5% cold to declare summer officially. This would be my 2nd summer in NY. I cant wait to get in shorts and t's and explore the day buzz of NY skylines. With good options to see new Beaches, take a bath in sea and watch some hot looking chicks !! I have always enjoyed summer although i know it gets harsh too here but not like that in Cali or Arizona. With summer comes sweat and i have to admit that i sweat a lot. I just cant take the fact of reaching office with a shirt soaked in sweat. Believe me this has happened to me before and it gets embarrasing but life offers solutions. My approach is to wake up in time and reach office early. I still cant believe i managed to traverse through th harsh chilly NY winter. I saw my first snow here, piles of snow accumulating outside my house and making it extremely difficult to walk. I almost tripped one day on my stairs in a bid to each office soon but one needs to be careful. With heaters in each home and office, i never really felt cold for a long time, only while commuting. I feel summer is a source of getting outdoors and being energetic. It should turn ones brain sharp (Well i dont have proof for this but i know you kinda agree, dont ya !!!) To my contrary, i recently read an article that gloomy weather makes peoples mind run faster according to a research. May be i am one of the exceptions. Am sure there will be more of drinking this season which i look forward to :)...so welcome summer of NY 09 !!!! Ohhh, I should say NJ too as i am a proud resident and worker here....See you in summer (not for my new blog but incase you wandered in the NY/NJ city by mistake)....hahahahaahahahahaahahaha
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