NJ is terrible. Maybe, i say that because the place is new and will take time to settle here. But its certainly not like LA. I miss LA so much, the open roads and spaces.....its a different plaace all together. My first day experience wasn't good. I had to change my house as it was in a very shady area and my rent including utilities went up from 475$ to 900$. This place however, is good neara to Indian square where you can feel at home. Am pasting the letter i sent to my previous roomies sean, cameron and kyle in LA. It will be edited due to some personal reasons.
hey guys
hope u r doing good
i was really in a bad shape when i reached here.
the house i went was in a very shady area , may be thats why the rent was so less
ofcourse i had my private room wid AC but the whole thing around sucked
All MAKKUS and BLACKs arnd....blacks frm west indies, jamaica, guinea
i didnt even see an indian or white
it freaked me out man.....dirty locality, NJ is dirty not NYC
and its so congested here man unlike open spaces in CA
shops close here very soon, dat sucks
no indian stores arnd
i was feeeling choked man, i cant explain you
no net at home, and these ppl were so elder to me guys
i dun think i wudnt be able to call someone either u guys or my parents
i decided in day 1 i cant stay there...went to internet cafe nearby and took whichever house looked best
saw the house, is reallly really nice..atleast able to call someone at home nw
everythin here, TV, sofa, 3 rooms , BIG living room..so clean...its way excellent nw
i guess frm all dis i learnt a lesson dat cheap rent may nt necessarily gurantee everything
when i was returning frm the house i saw in a bus, a lady was talking to me...i told her i was staying on ocean ave...she sed "YOU DONT WANNA STAY THERE" and i was like "WHAT DA FUCK"...:)
:( am nt anti makku or black but i guess i rather stay with whites or the last option wid indians
the black guy was good, he returned my security deducting minor expenses.
ama sure ull like my new house, its right behind a cemetry..lol
n very very close to my place where i stayed last summer during my intern
ama nw stayin wid 2 whites, a gal and boy both 27 yrs old..they r cool
rent gets higher now ofcourses paying 900 bucks nw including utilities..i gave lotta thought to it n decided it was the best
no security asked...anyways a room in good area nearby will nt be less than 650 and then with utilities, it comes out almost to this.
walk to indian stores takes 15 mins but atleast i am very happy nw
due to shops closing so early, i didnt eat food for more than 24 hrs ...i was so weary runnin arnd.....
n todaya i got up at 1 pm......tooka good sleeep...
i sometimes think if i had to pay 900 bucks only, i should have already chosen such house b4 comin here
what a waste of everything i did
:( ama jus waiting for my job to start soon n i make some good money nw
whts going on in LA? hwz the new roomie?
hey my new address is
386 Sip Ave Jersey City, NJ 07306
so send me all security here (house + laundry card)
i hv started makin food...made dal aand rice yday
Will miss ya guys....
Take care guys, happy weekend and 4th july
Will be very happy to see ya here.....