i look at my chances
today or never
is the theme of evening
With adrenaline high
i resort to my favourite track
determined to run the farthest mile i ever have
the mind is ready
arms and legs strong
the quest begins
to break the previous record of 12
the first hour makes me pushy
second, a little soaked and burning
every moment a sacrifice
every second a desire to win
some hopes raised
a past killed, a new present being built
kept me moving
at not so easy task
"For Troy" somehow
"You can do it man" somehow
motivates me to run after run
the evening turns dark
people turn from many to none
accompanying me are the stars and planes
to add, cars on roads also
but i keep my faith high
the third hour surpasses earlier record
but there is still to go
Not to forget, the Olympics too mooted me
and i still run never thinking the end
delighted and enthusiastic
for a new milestone achieved
but a repeat still ahead waiting
end of 3rd hour makes my legs speak
losing at the 52nd lap
i fall to the mother ground
a disappointed body
just couldn't move more
to end on the 13th mile
soar legs crying for rest
my hopes trashed to have conquered the 20th mile
how will i lift myself next time?
with face up i look at the stars
for a glimpse of hope
perhaps, i saw another moment
cuz if not for office work
i certainly had made it
the unlucky 13th mile will never be the same !!!