I just happened to see "Jab We Met" couple of hrs back. I am pleased i am not saying i wasted my time watching the 2 lead actors Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor. Till now, there were few of the actors for which i would not burn my pocket in PVR or AMC (if that would be possible...lol). I had not seen not even a complete Shahid Kapoor movie. This isn't the case for Kareena. I have seen several movies of her in the past. Apparently, because of the huge selling star cast working with her in the same movie. This was the first complete movie of Shahid i watched. The movie is fun, hilarious and most importantly can be watched with family. It was promising and at the appeal of lot of my friends i decided to watch this flick. I am happy i wasn't disappointed as i had anticipated. The script for the movie is simple and easily connects with youngsters especially the conversation part between Shahid and Kareena. Lot of dialogues used by Kareena in partly Hindi and English is quite common in Delhi and Mumbai. The dialogues seemed coming on the spot and instantly. Shahid speaks with low pace and his patience which i liked the most. The Hindi Drama set in Punjabi household was fun too with lot of Nach Gana and masti. The model (shown as Kareena's Bf) is absolutely pathetic. His hindi is worse and needs to go back to School. Aint not all models can act. Overall, good performances by the lead cast and a decent one. The Director has framed all pieces well together and made the film captivating as at no point i felt the movie was long or getting dragged. I guess Shahid needs to be picky from now onwards. I look forward to see his next one !

I just cant believe i am watching this movie so late. Damnn....well almost after 3 years. Also, while Heath is no more. Honestly, i have to admit that i would not have watched this movie if "Ang Lee" had not won the Oscar for best director. I still remember that i was very excited to watch this as well as lot of other oscar nominated films. This was the time when i was seriously sick with Jaundice at my home in Delhi. Outside from my room window (7th floor), i could see the new PVR being constructed in Prashant Vihar in Rohini, Delhi. I waited anxiously for me to recover from my sickness and hopefully to grab a chance on this movie. Well, after i got back to my normal track, there were very few theaters showing this movie and the very few pals of me not interested in watching the film. Anyways, i drop the curtian today by watching this magnificent film. A gay cowboy relationship, thats what happens sometimes about we knowing something in our head but not realsing the truth untill we watch it. "BrokeBack Mountain" is one of the example. An honest, simple, superb and real to core film thats breaks mainstream boundary for the audiences. I cant stop commending acting skills of Heath Ledger (he simply pulled it off) and Jack Gyllenhall. Incredible performances by the 2 rodeos supported equally well by their fellow partners. The Direction is excellent and in spite of raised controversies against this film, i vouch for it. I somehow knew the movie story plot initially. And my initial reaction was like "A gay relationship" movie......"Dude, am not gonna watch it". But the 5 Oscar nominated film was pulling towards it. I regret not watching it earlier in India. There are several instances in the film where i felt Ennis was not speaking the correct grammatical English like when he speaks with Jack's wife he says "We was good friends". I sdont know why he speaks that way. Is that because Ennis ("Heath") is by birth an Australian or is it typical Texan or Wyoming accent from where he hailed. While i watched the movie, the sex and love making scenes between the 2 look very weird as i or may be you have never seen two guys making love on the big screen. Its only during the entire movie when you watch, you begin to understand closely and respect the relationship between the two just as between a girl and boy. But this affects the marriage of Ennis Del Mar when his wife comes to know about it. I feel Ennis should have continued staying with Jack twist but if that was so simple to think, we probably wont get to see a film like "Brokeback Mountain". Ennis taking Jacks shirt and jacket after his death was very touching. A good one indeed !
So you liked Jab we Met. And you watched Brokeback Mountain, remeber what we used to call you and mallu? :P
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