Well i am not here to actually show the world some difference in me. Its for my repository that when i look at these pics 30 or 40 years from now or show it to my kids, they will say "OMG"....may be ! To the left is the pic 6 months back when i came to LA in Aug 06 and the right one is taken yesterday on 01/07/07 (thats 7th Jan 2007). To say there aint any difference between the two would be a big joke, am pretty sure i cant hide my cheeks now, they are pretty flattened now....thanks to those chicks (chicken) i eat almost daily in my diet regime..oops.....i hope my parents n sisters n brothers can recognize me when i go back to India. May be they get the wrong person at home...lol, i know it wuz a bad PJ (Poor Joke). Have almost put on 10-12 kilos here in US and to shed it is a very difficult task. God please send some help, i dont wanna lose my identity !!!!!
mailed u on ur gmail...
reply back!
gud man...nice blog. you seem to be enjoying every minute in states. Have fun buddy!
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