Sunday, January 25, 2009


Am a huge fan of George W. Bush and yes i am disappointed that he has left the White House. I know the new president isn't as humorous Bush. This one, another Oliver flick which may surprise you brought me to watch it. If you are a bush fan, this is for you. Oliver never leaves any stone unturned and you feel this after you watch the movie. The arguable relationship bush shares with his Father and the road to his presidency with each character from Bush to Powell to rice to Laura are to watch. You sometimes feel to laugh (its seems parody at or watch in seriousness these characters. What makes the movie interesting is the transition of a loser bush to the President of America. Also, I had been dying to watch a movie where the fame of one person in the family would affect the life of another family member. This is what happened to bush as whenever he tried to contest (from Texas), his opponents would remark him with the wrong doings or carelessness of his father.
From owning Texas Rangers (baseball team) to his wild parties at Yale university to getting admission in Harvard's Business school to losing election as a republican, Bush has had his share of ups and downs. Bush is shown to be an arrogant, lazy and rowdy young man and you would not believe it. The first time i saw President bush gave me an image of his young days as sober, inebriated, a family guy. While the latter still would hold true, the film certainly depicts him as a heavy drunkard George seniors son. American love Bush. He has acted stupid number of times but was elected twice to the White House. Bushism's are the very favourite quotes bush has shared with the world and the world making fun of him. For instance, bush says "he or her has the right to study". You would expect "he or she.." . Bush was religioulsy fanatic as shown here and has no idea of constitution before he is entering politics.
Josh Brolin who plays Bush is good but cant bring the texan bush i'd wanted to see. Bush is known by several names like Junior, W. The movie is failry good on the scale it is made while every character has given his best to come as close to the real characters. If you are a bush fan and like to delve into his private personal life, this is for you. I'll miss W. !!! I rate this movie 6.5/10

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