Only if i knew that this movie was so wonderful and breathtaking, i would have seen it last year only. I got to watch this film in NYC with a friend of mine. The Curious case is a slow drama movie and is a long movie from an American's point of view. The film starts well depicting an era after WW-I in 1918 when benjamin button is born. He is born as an old crippled ugly man whom anyone would abandon and disown. You have to watch out this film for its Visual Effects. They were awesome and there is a reason for Curious case to bag an Oscar in visual effects. The driving force in the movie is Benjamin played by Bratt Pitt aging backwards since his birth. It requires a strong vision to bring this possible on 35 mm screen and Director David Fincher makes its possible. Am disappointed that he couldnt bag the best film or director oscar but the art direction and makeup oscars are credit worthy.
This is the best brad pitt film i ever watched in my life. Brad i simply adorable and is immensely so into the character of the role. The film has introduction scene of his wife played by Cate Blanchett (who acts superbly too) narrating her lifes story to her daughter. I felt she was made look too old for her age as her daughter sitting next to her looked mere 35-40. The logic of aging backwards is also irking me. When benjamin is born, he is old and crippled in a young childs body. He has arthritis in a young childs body but as he grows old he is aging backward and i would have expected him to die as a child in an old man's body. But this doesnt happen. Perhaps i am thinking wrong but i just think of having reverse logic being put in place. The saddest scene is when brad now a baby since he is aging backwards dies in the arms of Cate Blanchette. YOU have to watch this scene. Brad is poised throughtout the movie and delivers an oscar performance. All supporting actors like Taraji do a commending job lifting the spirits of the movie high. This movie is very emotional and will keep you glued to your seats if you are interested in watching how brad will look like now. In one of the scenes, brad is shown as 17 yr old. Surely the makeup dept convinced the academy for an oscar on this. I liked one of the dialogue when brad tells Cate (Daisy) that he needs to leave and that she cant raise both of he and his daughter. For me, the best movie of 2009 and for coming years. I strongly recommend you watch this movie. I'll rate this movie 9.5/10