This was my first snow in NYC. I got up in the morning at 6.30 am as usual to get ready. When i opened the door of my house, i saw these flakes all over in the air. Was it snow or fire ash flowing in the air? Well, fire ash cant be white but these flakes were not thick. I was in a dilemma thinking as making my way to the train station. On my way, my confidence grew that this certainly was snow. Extreme cold my body could feel and this wasn't the cold i was used to in India. I was really excited and for a sec forgot about the harsh -1 degree cold weather. It was a beautiful scene, whites flakes falling over my black overcoat. I will never forget this day. In delhi (India) from where i hail from temperature doesn't go below 2-3 degree Celsius in winters. But this NY winter which i have always been scared of is getting beautiful day by day. I hope it doesnt get worse when i need to change my mind !